When it comes to adult orthodontics in Durban, we’ve got you covered. Our team of dental specialists has extensive expertise in all areas of adult dental procedures.
Orthodontics is a specialised arm of dentistry that focuses on tooth correction and alignment, and issues relating to the jawbone itself. The most common corrective procedure is having braces fitted, but in severe cases, such as injury to the jaw due to sporting incidents, orthodontic surgery may be required. There is an option to suit everyone, and one that fits every lifestyle.
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Today, we see many adults at our branches who could not have their teeth corrected in childhood for whatever reason, or who have developed issues in later life due to injury, wisdom teeth erupting and misplacing others, or due to missing teeth. If you’re searching for adult orthodontics in Durban, we hope you’ll make us your first line of enquiry. Don’t bite your tongue and suffer in silence – the confidence boost you will receive is immeasurable! Teeth that are straight and in alignment are also important from the point of view that properly positioned teeth will lead to fewer issues later. It is harder to properly brush and floss the full surface of a tooth if it is not straight, which could lead to tooth decay or even an abscess forming down the line.
We have been a leading provider of adult orthodontics in Durban for many years. While treatment may be similar to that provided to young patients, we have an in-depth understanding of adult orthodontics versus that for children. Let’s discuss some of these considerations.
Concerns relating to correcting the adult bite
Seeking corrective treatment related to adult orthodontics? Our dentists are expert correct bite ‘enthusiasts’. An incorrect bite is called a malocclusion. If you have a big overbite, the teeth need to be moved inward or back. But, there may not be enough room to do this without extracting one or more teeth. Complications in adults also arise if you have ground your teeth down. We are fully acquainted with dealing with these perio-restorative issues. Our primary aim here would consequently be to make your bite functional, rather than to remove the overbite in its entirety, while creating an enhanced cosmetic appearance.
Medical mouth weaknesses in adults
The biggest issue here is potential root resorption. We do this assessment before commencing any treatment that may affect the roots. If you have ‘weak’ roots, there is a risk that they may be reabsorbed by the body, and lead to the actual tooth falling out later on. It is critical that we do this screening. If we don’t identify challenges early, this weakness is potentially not preventable or treatable.
Challenges related to age
Another factor all our immensely experienced dental surgeons take into account is age. There are generic factors associated with age that sometimes complicate treatment. For starters, the jawbone is likely to be tougher, and would have likely ceased developing. Along with this, older and more worn tissue could mean that your teeth take longer to adjust to where we have repositioned them in your mouth. If you come in for adult orthodontics at any of our branches, we will first explain these factors, known as biomechanical factors, to you.
Blood supply could also be affected if there’s not enough space between the bone and the roots. The same issue arises if there is any sign that gum disease has set in, or if there’s been some degree of bone loss. We will always outline all the associated risk factors to our patients. In most cases, any of these age-related factors mean that the process of rectification could be slightly more complex than in younger patients.
Issues relating to prior tooth extractions
One of the most common issues we have to navigate when it comes to adult orthodontics is that of prior tooth extraction and the gaps that have been left. It may not be desirable to move a tooth into the gap left by a prior extraction, due to the condition of the bone and gum in these places. Closing these gaps and keeping them tight is also more involved than in children, as by now the bone could be significantly more resistant to pressure.
Psychological and social factors
We have a dedicated focus on the challenges related to adult orthodontics throughout our practices. Adults generally expect quicker results. They may also not have as much trust in the process. As an adult, you may expect us to disclose more specifics of the treatment to you, and we will gladly oblige. We actually welcome your buy-in and co-ownership of the process. What is important though, is that you do not deviate from any post-treatment care that may be required.
We have seen the following factors affecting adult treatment:
- A concern about how you will look, especially at work. This is understandable, especially if we require you to wear an appliance. We will always take the least invasive route.
- Great expectations – your expectation of what can and should be done may differ from what is medically the best option. If you want a quick fix, this may mean a more involved process. We understand your angst, but try to trust us to work in your best interests, and within your lifestyle expectations.
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