Dentist in Queensburgh who Accepts Medical Aid

dentist in queensburgh who accepts medical aidHaving medical aid is a blessing, especially in times of need because you would not be burdened with the cost of an emergency visit to the dentist. With medical aid you would also have access to some of the best doctors or dentists in Queensburgh and you would also not put off a visit to the dentist just because you don’t have the cash. If you are looking for a dentist in Queensburgh who accepts medical aid, then the Family Dental Care branch based in the town is the perfect option.


We are a Dentist in Queensburgh who Accepts Medical Aid patients!

We are the best dentist in Queensburgh who accepts medical aid for routine care. Routine care is when you would visit us twice a year to check up on the status of your mouth and to get a dental dentist in queensburgh who accepts medical aidcleaning. It is normally fully covered on most medical aids as it is a preventative measure from developing more serious and expensive problems. A check-up will usually have our dentist looking for plaque build-up, cavities, and infections, signs of gum disease or cancer. These can all then be corrected before it escalates into something serious such as the loss of a tooth. It is a worldwide norm to visit the dentist for routine care every six months. It is within this time frame that hardened plaque which is tartar, can easily be removed by the dentist before it starts making its way into the tooth and cause decay.


A Dentist in Queensburgh who Accepts Medical Aid for Emergency Care

When you require emergency care to take care of a dental problem which is likely giving you lots of pain, then come see our dentist in Queensburgh who accepts medical aid. This way you will not have to run around trying to secure some cash for a consultation. Along with routine care, emergency dental care is usually covered on most medical aids. This would of course depend on the type of membership you belong to and the benefits you are entitled to. Some emergency procedures done by our dentist in Queensburgh who accepts medical aid are:

  • Tooth extractions- a loose or fully cracked tooth needs to be extracted and can be done after having the patient injected with a local anaestheticdentist in queensburgh who accepts medical aid
  • Root canals- and infection within the tooth socket can be cleaned out with a root canal by drilling right down to it. This is an emergency procedure but follow up visits are required to see that the infection is totally gone.
  • Dental fillings- a dental filling can be used for 2 purposes in the instance of an emergency. The first would be to fill out a cavity which is causing tooth sensitivity. The second would be to fill out a chipped front tooth.