Inlays and Onlays
Where more tooth structure is broken or decayed, a white filling may no longer be suitable to restore the tooth. In this case ceramic porcelain is used to fill bigger areas and to repair moderately damaged back teeth. These are much stronger and are made to withstand greater forces that are exerted when chewing. These are lab made and cemented onto the tooth.
If a tooth has broken down extensively a crown may then be required.
Advantages of inlays and onlays
- Strength is one of the major advantages of inlays and onlays. Fillings usually weaken a tooth, but because inlays and onlays are bonded directly into the tooth, they can increase the overall strength of the tooth.
- Porcelains, ceramics and composite material can be made in colours to match natural teeth.
- They are durable and may last 10 years or more, unless they get decay under them.
- In some cases, they are a good alternative to the more complex crown.
Disadvantages of inlays and onlays
- Inlays and onlays can be costly due to the high-quality materials used in their manufacture and the precision required in their fitting.
- They require removal of tooth material.