The Beautiful Effects of Veneers

teeth, smile,dentist, oralhealth, dentalhealth

If you have a flawed tooth or teeth, custom veneers are an option to get a beautiful Hollywood smile. Veneers are a relatively permanent solution if you have flaws such as a deeply stained tooth, chipped or cracked teeth, uneven or crooked teeth, or excessive tooth wear. Learn More About Veneers Veneers are a very […]

Root Canal Ends the Pain, Protects the Tooth

teeth, smile,dentist, oralhealth, dentalhealth

If you are prone to cavities, you are certainly not alone. A recent study found that more than 90 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 suffer from tooth decay each and every year. There are times when a dentist may recommend a root canal. The main question is whether or not […]

Do You Floss Correctly?

teeth, smile,dentist, oralhealth, dentalhealth

Daily flossing is an important part of your oral care routine for effective plaque removal. But there is such a thing as flossing too hard: – Some people pull too hard against the gums causing them to bleed. – Flossing is only needed once a day; flossing more than this can damage the gumline and […]

Chipped Teeth in Infants

teeth, smile,dentist, oralhealth, dentalhealth

As soon as a baby’s first teeth appear there exists the danger that they may become chipped due to an accident. This can be worrying for new parents but there are steps that can be taken to minimise the damage. If the missing piece of tooth can be found it should be stored safely as […]

New Research Shows Why Your Oral Health Matters

teeth, smile,dentist, oralhealth, dentalhealth

According to new scientific discoveries, bacteria in our mouths can play a role in our overall health, causing or worsening certain medical conditions. Key takeaways: – Research suggests mouth bacteria can travel to other parts of the body. – Oral bacteria have been found in the cardiovascular system, contributing to heart conditions. – Some oral […]

Why Might a Cavity Form Below a Filling?

teeth, smile,dentist, oralhealth, dentalhealth

A dentist will often apply a filling once a cavity has been removed. However, there are still times when another cavity can form. Why might this problem occur? Let us take a look at some (surprisingly) common situations. – A recent filling has become cracked or otherwise damaged. – The filling is quite old. – […]

Care Steps After You’ve Had a Tooth Taken Out

teeth, smile,dentist, oralhealth, dentalhealth

When you have a tooth/teeth removed, it is important to follow the care instructions advised by your dentist. These will include: – Maintain gentle pressure on the gauze pad to encourage blood clot formation – Don’t drink through straws – Avoid rinsing and swilling – Avoid alcohol and cigarettes – Complete the course of antibiotics […]

Main Causes of Toothache

Toothache cannot always be avoided but a good dental routine is the best way to prevent it from happening. Brushing teeth properly twice daily, flossing and regular check-ups at the dentist are all necessary for maintaining teeth and gums in top shape but this may not always be enough. Principal reasons for toothache include: – […]

What is Crown Lengthening?

teeth, smile,dentist, oralhealth, dentalhealth

Crown lengthening is a dental procedure which removes gum tissue to expose more of the tooth. It’s sometimes performed for cosmetic reasons or to repair damaged teeth. Key points: – A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in gum tissue. – Periodontists use lasers to reshape gum tissue where gums are very large. – Gum […]

What Are The Main Causes Of Black Teeth?

As it happens with other dental conditions, black teeth can have both internal and external causes. Here’s a list of the most common things that cause black or stained teeth. Key takeaways: – Stains to the enamel are caused by tobacco, coffee, and tartar build up. – Severe decay, infection, and a dead nerve can […]