What are the Signs of a Dental Emergency?

Regularly caring for our teeth and gums can help us to avoid cavities and gum disease. However, there are some other circumstances which dictate that immediate help is required. What are a handful of examples, and why is it critical that you seek immediate treatment to avoid long-lasting damage? Let’s take a closer look. One […]
Why Are Millions of People Choosing Cosmetic Dentistry?

If your teeth are flawed, you will be pleasantly surprised at the results of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Perhaps you would like whiter teeth as your teeth are yellowed. A professional teeth whitening is the perfect way to get that bright white smile. Dental veneers can be the proper option for those with chipped, cracked, uneven, […]
A Closer Look at a Condition Known as Bruxism

Many individuals grind their teeth at night and the majority are completely unaware that this action is taking place. Dentists refer to this condition as bruxism. In order to appreciate your treatment options, it is a good idea to look at some of the main causes and symptoms. Bruxism Explained There are several reasons why […]
Does Having a Dental Implant Help Prevent Gum Disease?

A dental implant is a strong tooth replacement and is screwed into the jawbone. While an implant is an excellent replacement for a lost tooth, it is still susceptible to gum disease. Potential for Gum Disease Although a dental implant cannot develop a cavity, this does not exclude them from being affected by gum disease. […]
How Is a Dental Abscess Treated?

A dental abscess is a pus-filled swelling at the root of an infected tooth. Often painful, an abscess is caused by infection or from severe gum disease. Here’s what is involved in treating a dental abscess. Initial Treatment Initially, your dentist will drain the abscess of the pus to remove infected matter. They may carry […]
Why Should Orthodontic Treatment be Performed at an Early Age?

Most dentists recommend that a child should undergo an orthodontic evaluation by the age of seven. Why is this the case? There are actually several factors associated with early orthodontic treatment and some might be slightly less apparent than others. One of the most important issues involves the fact that crooked or misaligned teeth can […]