Transform Your Smile With Clear Active Aligners

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Did you know that teeth are the only parts of the body that can’t repair themselves? With September being National Oral Health Month in South Africa, we thought we’d discuss one excellent teeth-straightening solution that is transforming the smiles of countless visitors of Family Dental Care. These are Active Aligners, carefully designed to actively straighten your teeth while you live your best life! Imagine a world where you never have to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about your teeth! Well, you don’t have to imagine for much longer.

So, let’s take a closer look at active aligners and how they can help you improve your smile and rediscover your confidence:

What are Active Aligners?

Active Aligners are considered a viable alternative to using traditional braces for straightening crooked teeth. As the name suggests, Active Aligners help to actively align your teeth to the most ideal position for your mouth. They are a less-permanent solution, also coming in as much more hygienic and aesthetically pleasing than your old-school metallic ‘train-tracks’ braces. Most people refer to Active Aligners as clear braces, because that’s essentially what they are.

Clear braces and adult orthodontics

Clear braces, as their name suggests, are transparent in appearance. This means that there are no unsightly rails of metal wire running along your teeth. This is especially important to ensure confidence when having photographs taken, as the ‘braces’ you’re wearing won’t show up at all. In fact, for all intents and purposes, most people that pass you by won’t even realise that you’ve got your Active Aligners in. You can smile at strangers with confidence again, knowing that your smile is looking good!

Designed to suit your lifestyle

Why are these braces-like, clear devices so popular among adults and children alike? No matter your lifestyle, Active Aligners will effortlessly transform and straighten your smile without interfering with your lifestyle, career, and goals. The clear braces are transparent, removable and comfortable to wear all day. PLUS, they are removable and therefore cleanable, which makes them so much more hygienic and better for your oral health than traditional orthodontic braces.

Get Active Aligners from Family Dental Care

Active Aligners are specifically designed for your own teeth, catering to your dental requirements and preferences. We use cutting-edge digital smile design to fully present your treatment plan, where you can see how your teeth will look after the treatment.

Find your nearest Family Dental Care, and contact us to book an appointment or to find out more!


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